Malika Gujarati Natak
Malika Gujarati Natak (Gujarati Drama) online directed by Dilip Somaiya. Suraj is adopted son of karunadevi. suraj is gambler and also drunker. he is finding a job. Once Suraj try to steal jwellery of karuna devi for pay his loan but caught by her and told to leave home. Suraj leave mumbaiand settled at mumbai for five months. After some time suraj sent a letter to karuna devi for visit home for few days and also inform that he married to woman called malika. But malika comes to live at karuna devis house without suraj. malika has a hidden motive. what is her motive for comes to live alone at karuna devi's house.? Where is Suraj.?
There are great casting done by Aliraza Namdar, Malika Shah, Dilip Somaiya, Amita Rajda, Nimesh Shah, Minal Padhiyar, Tulsi Rajda, Mukesh Vaishnav
Watch Here:Gujarati Natak Malika
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