Tatyat Tope Sacrificed in April 18, 1959 India Freedom Vipplav 1957 (Evolution)

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April 18, Tatyat Tope (Ramchandra Pandurangrav Yolekar) Marathi Krantikari sacrificed his life for Nation call Bharat, India or Hindustan. He have been caugh during 1957 Vipllav (Freedome Evolution) and hand till death on April 18 1959 by British. His fight strategy was Gorila wor (Maharaja Shivarji style), Hit and Hide, They attacted on British force and disappear. British force failed to catch him for a year but his got caught by betrayed of his trusted friend. He caught on April 7 1959 while asleep in his camp. Many many salutes to the veer of Bharata on his Punya Jayanti

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