Ancient India Invenstion and Discovery Contribution to Physics Science

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Ancient India Invenstion and Discovery Contribution to Physics Science: Indian Civilization and Culture is the oldest culture and civilization of the world. Since Western came with lots of theory is just transation of Sanskirt to English. Whatever so far invenstion and discoveries have done is based on the great books writteen in Sanskrit. These theory have already been written in form of slocks and mantra.

Most of the Indian are not aware about power of our own culture, rituals and civilization. We are like Great monkey God Hanuman, who have lost his memory of his power, We are just like that, we have all power and resource but only things is that we don't know. We have to take many layers on our brain to recall greatness of our culture.

Theory/Concept Indian Origin Westerhn Origin
Velocity of Light Rig Veda - Sayan Bhasya (1400 AD) 19th Century
Trans - Saturnean Planets Mahabharat (3000 BCE) 17th Century
Another Solar System Travel Bhagwad Puran(4000 BCE) To be researched
Tachyon - faster than light Mundakopanishad (7000 BCE) 20th Century
Elliptical Order of Planet Rig Veda Johannes Kepler
Black holes Vishwaruchi (7000 BCE) 18th Century
Infra Red Band Sulohita (1200 BCE) 17th Century
Robot Samarangam Sutradhara (1050 AD) 16th Century
Electrical Cells Agastya Samhita (4000 BCE) Daniel (1836)
Monsoon at summer solstice Rig Veda 18th Century
Nuclear Energy Mundakopanishad - Spullingni (6000 BCE) 19th Century
Gravitation Prashnopashad (6000 BCE) 19th Century


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