Bas Kar Bakula Gujarati Natak

4.29 stars - 286 reviews
Bas Kar Bakula Gujarati Natak Comic Gujarati Natak (Gujarati Drama-Indian Cinema) online directed by Sidharth Randeria and Produced by Kiran Sampat. Bas Kar Bakula is a Gujarati Natak featuring the king of the Gujarati Natak - Siddharth Randeria who goes for a honeymoon with his second wife and passionate with finding a hidden treasure after he's visited in a dream by his former father-in-law, who reveals that Pujara's late first wife has left him secret wealth. He asks the tantrik Satellite Swami to call up his dead father in laws soul. The trick misfires. And Bakula’s Atama came, the professors first wife (now dead) who lands up to help find the treasure. What follows is a laugh a minute riot of entertainment.

There are great casting by Siddharth Randheria, Raj Kamal Deshpande, Sameer Gurav, Rajul Diwan, Suraj Vyas, Swati Shah, Purvi Vyas

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